Addiction. What is it?

Firstly, addiction is a psychological or physical need to do something. This could be drinking alcohol, taking drugs (prescription or illicit), gambling, shopping, surfing the internet... the list goes on and on. Addicts believe they have no control over their emotions and behaviour.

What can people become addicted to?

Anything! Addictive behaviours can be:

  • working

  • shopping

  • internet usage (chatting and surfing)

  • watching porn

  • alcohol

  • drugs

  • gaming

  • sex

  • exercising

  • food

  • inhaling solvents

  • self harming

  • risky behaviour

What are the symptoms of addiction?

Symptoms can vary enormously but may include:

  • feeling sick and shaky if unable to participate in the behaviour

  • becoming depressed

  • getting angry about petty things

  • withdrawal from family and friends

  • performance at work or school starts to go down

  • theft to pay for the addiction

  • having trouble sleeping or, sleeping too much

  • losing or gaining a lot of weight

  • keeping secrets from family and friends

  • losing interest in a sport or hobby

  • racking up huge debts

  • getting angry with another if they try and stop the addictive behaviour

and so on.

How does addiction start?

The first time someone engages in a behaviour there is usually a dopamine high. This feels good and they will later want to recreate that feeling. Over a period of time the urge to chase that high morphs into an addiction and then it becomes very difficult to let go of that behaviour.

Addiction is about wanting to feel different to how they're currently feeling. This means that addicts are wanting to feel good, or, not wanting to feel bad.

Factors that can increase the tendency toward addiction may be trauma and stress, breakdown of an important relationship, poverty, losing one's job, a need to block out traumatic memories, and environmental factors, such as being raised by an addict.

Addiction can affect one's mental health, physical health, relationships, job prospects if a criminal record occurs and so on. Because addiction can impact so many areas of one's life, it's wise to get help sooner, rather than later. 

I successfully conduct sessions via Skype, FaceTime, Messenger or Zoom so regardless of where you are in the world I can help you. All you need is an iPad, laptop or PC, a good internet connection, a Skype account (it’s free) and some privacy. Skype can be downloaded for a PC or Mac by clicking on the Skype logo immediately above or, if you have an iPad, going to iTunes and downloading the app.

There is help available. You don't have to live with that addiction any longer. There is a very successful treatment that is gentle, easy and painless.

If you would like to finally be free, please either email or call me on 0409 254 500 to arrange a free no obligation consultation. We can discuss your options and you will be able to get clear answers on any questions you may have. There is no obligation on either your part or mine!


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